I haven't really write anything about hacking Ipod Touch. Yet there is so much stuff now that you can get if you JailBreak your Ipod Touch.
Here is how you can JailBreak 1.1.4 your Ipod Touch
1. Restore your Ipod Touch (This will erase EVERYTHING on Ipod Touch)
2. Download ZiPhone (Software that will allow you to JailBreak Ipod Touch)
- In case you can't install it you need .Net
3. While your Ipod Touch is still plugged in Run ZiPhone!
4. Lets Start!
- See Install Tab? Click all Packages and also install BSD SubSystem!
- Now on Source Tab add this url http://ipodtouchmaster.com/files/repo.xml to see other applications
- Install Tab Should Show Iphone 1.1.4 Apps (install that)
- Add this Source Too http://iphonebigboss1.com/repo/repo.xml
- Then on install click all packages and install Boss Tool as well.
Now that things are installed Ipod Touch should refresh when you click HOME button.
You can uninstall BossTool by clicking on it then click Uninstall Tab.
I am no expert in Jailbreak but this list of info is just a summary which I think will help you get started. And don't blame me if you did something else then above. You are doing JailBreak on your own responsibility.
Thanks for reading another Ipod Touch Trick :)