Monday, July 21, 2008

Ipod Touch Copy Paste App

Found this amazing article about Copy Paste Application for Ipod Touch coming soon to Apple store. The article might reference more for Iphone but, I am sure it will work on Ipod Touch as well.

Read this


Thursday, July 17, 2008

How to Upgrade Ipod Touch 2.0 Free

Many people asked how to upgrade their ipod touch 2.0 and where to get free upgrades instead of paying $10. So here is my tutorial how to update your ipod touch 1.1.4 to 2.0 not 1.1.5!

Download the ipod touch upgrade from

(Mirror 1) Download

(Mirror 2) Download

(Mirror 3) Download

Upgrade your iTunes to 7.7! (here)



Once you are done downloading hook up your ipod touch 2.0 to your PC/MAC

Open Itunes 7.7 navigate to ipod touch on the left side

HOLD the SHIFT key and press upgrade (for windows users)

HOLD the OPTION key and press upgrade/restore (for MAC users)

Navigate to folder where your ipod touch 2.0 upgrade file is and open it.

Let iTunes upgrade your ipod touch ( could take up to 45 minutes! or more in some cases mine took only 15 minutes I had only 105 songs,610 photos)

THATS IT you are DONE.

What to do next?

Re-sync your ipod touch so you get all the stuff back (videos, photos, music)

Go to App store on your iTunes find Applications and download the ones you need.

Well thats about it! for more tech news please visit also and subscribe to rss feeds its updated 2-10 times a day!

Subscribe to Ipod Touch Tricks feeds and don't miss any posts via Reader or Email!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

My Ipod Touch 2.0 Apps

Here is trick how to do snapshot of your Ipod Touch 2.0 . First don't forget to upgrade your Ipod Touch 2.0 here then lets start with ipod touch trick of the week.

Its really easy! Hold the Home Button and then click on the top button (sleep button) then you will notice flash , to share your pictures with others connect your ipod touch to the pc/mac and look for removable devices under My Computer (on pc) or additional drives on Mac.

Here are my apps I downloaded the other day:

I got 4 pages full of apps ! going 5

Friday, July 11, 2008

Ipod Touch 2.0 Updated See Picture

Download Link for Ipod Touch 2.0 here And checkout half hour later what I got in my hands!.

Download Ipod Touch 2.0 Upgrade

Here is sweet and short . Download Ipod Touch 2.0 Upgrade from link below, then open iTunes hit Shift+ upgrade button , go to downloaded location and chose the file! Thats all

Here is the download link

Read how to update your ipod touch and find out about more mirror download links (LINK)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

January Update In Ipod Touch 2.0 Firmware Upgrade

According to Tuaw Ipod Touch 2.0 firmware upgrade will include January update for 5 apps that were included. I did not upgrade because friend that works at Apple told me that 2.0 will include and will be less cheaper , he was write but I did not believe until today when it was confirmed.

PS:He said that they are already working on the next release!!

Soon enough you will be able to download IPT 2.0 upgrade see here

Ipod Touch Upgrade from 1.1.4 to 2.0 Firmware

Everyone is looking for 2.0 firmware upgrade for Ipod Touch 1.1.4 .It will cost you $10 but don't worry by tonight or "tomorrow" Cali. time we all will be able to upgrade. As of right now (Jul 10th 4:25PM CST) there is no update for Ipod Touch only Iphoner's can upgrade to 2.0.

I think Apple is totally unfair to Ipod Touch users.

First they f***ed us with January upgrade where you get 5 icons for $30. Then they offer Ipod Touch Upgrade 2.0 for $10 with over 135 free apps!, and not to forget your January update will be deleted (as far as I heard).

But that's not all!! Iphone'rs get update Today but Ipod Touche'rs have to wait until tomorrow! WTF?

Yes, I can wait another day for this update, but from the business prospective Apple really knows how to pull nerves on people like me.

UPDATE: If you download iTunes 7.7 from yes you will see all nice free apps but guess what ? They all say "You need Ipod Touch 2.0 Firmware" well where is it?

Zemanta Pixie

Update Your Ipod Touch and get iTunes 7.7 App Store

Apple just released new version of iTunes which will allow you to see all the goodies for Ipod Touch Upgrade. I tried to upgrade iTunes via Help, but that will now work so go to click on iTunes, download 57MB file and upgrade it that way.

Let me know if you got any more info in comments area.
Zemanta Pixie

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What about Ipod Touch Upgrade 2.0 Michael?

Looks like bloggers forgot to mention stuff about Ipod Touch including Steve , nobody really talks about Ipod Touch neither Michael Arrington from TechCrunch.

Here is the latest post from TechCrunch about Iphone 3g getting upgrade on Thursday and my response was , what about IPOD TOUCH?

(Thanks for the pic TechCrunch)

Ipod Touch 2.0 Upgrades

So as I heard that January updates that were released by Apple for Ipod Touch cost 30$, but the upgrade to Ipod Touch 2.0 will cost only 10$.

I am sorry to hear that for people that already paid 30$

If you have some more information please let me know via comments, I would be glad to hear something from you all

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Google Talk (GTalk) on Ipod Touch

Google managed to change Gtalk (Google Talk) browser functionality for Iphone and Ipod Touch. Now when you use chat and go to different browser it will mark your status as "unavailable" or "busy" . I must say that Gtalk improvement looks better and it's easier to chat with somebody.

(Picture Credit via

Ipod Touch Wifi Troubleshooting via Email

Since January of this year I have received 294 emails regarding Wifi problems that multiple ipod touch users had. From 294 emails I managed to fix 233 ipod touch devices and 19 was faulty and needed to be returned.

Other 42 Ipod Touch either did not get any responses back after I sent them an email or just couldn't get it to work.

Most problems occurred:
  • Wrong password Input (Admin password vs. Wep Key)
  • 64Bit Encrytion vs 128Bit encryption
  • Did not Release/Renew to obtain new IP
  • Did not restart modem/router to acknowledge Ipod Touch
Some other problems:
  • Email did not work
  • Sync with iTunes
  • Safari constantly crashing
  • Jailbreak was not installed correctly